All of my programs that are supposed to be there are listed, but instead of having the normal info: Size, Used, Last used on, and the Change/Remove button, it's only giving me Size and Used, there is no option to remove these programs. They all used to have the change/remove button so something has gone wrong. Can anyone help me?
thanks!I have no change/remove button on my programs in the Add/Remove Programs screen?Restart, hit F8 on the windows screen and try rebooting from last known good configuration. Good Luck!I have no change/remove button on my programs in the Add/Remove Programs screen?If its not in the control panel try to have a search around the windows folder in the C driveI have no change/remove button on my programs in the Add/Remove Programs screen?You may need top be logged in as Administrator to make any changes in the Control PanelI have no change/remove button on my programs in the Add/Remove Programs screen?go to the control panel and access it from there