Thursday, September 15, 2011

Spiritually speaking, if you had "intelligently designed" the human body, what would you change/add/remove?

I mean for humans in general, not you personallySpiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?Well, let's see -

I'd replace our eyes with ones that aren't inside out or lacking reflective backing, so as to correct our blind spots and poor night vision.

I'd add a strand to the DNA replication process and renovate the telomere process, so as to greatly extend the natural human lifespan and make us cancer-resistant.

I'd remove the natural cravings for prehistorically rare nutrients that modernly only serve us to be naturally motivated to overeat certain things (e.g. salts, fats) and replace them with ones more relevant for civilized humans with plentiful access to food - and while I was at it, I'd get rid of unnecessary mineral conservation metabolic processes, like the body's tendency to rob the teeth of calcium, providing a calcium stockpile at the extent of causing tooth decay.

I'd fix the vitamin C synthesis process (which is exactly identical to those found in apes that can successfully metabolize their own vitamin C without having to rely on citrus, but is mutated to be nonfunctional. The evolutionary explanation is that we spent much of our latest evolution on the African plains where dietary vitamin C was plentiful, causing humans with broken vitamin C metabolisms to be able to survive just fine, but according to ID, God just chose to put a nearly-functional but broken metabolism for the vitamin into all of us).Spiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?a third upper extremity and eyes in the back of the head.

It seems a day doesn't go by where that wouldn't come in handySpiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?id make the prostate more tougherSpiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?We would have cat ears and big flooffy tails, raven's wings, no pinky toes dammit, and much better senses, we would even be able to see infrared and ultraviolet light.Spiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?maybe that we could fly or breath under water, thatd be niceSpiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?Spiritually Speaking -- I would have allowed the female to come as quickly as the man. Life would be SO much easier for all of us. Us poor girls have 8000 nerves in our clitoris -- but it takes us like 20X longer to orgasm, WTH? Srsly.Spiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?I would have made baby's heads a lot smaller and had them grow normal sized after they were born.

Love and blessings DonSpiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?I would make all girls look like sheep, sheep dont frighten me spiritually speaking of courseSpiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?Seems I answered this not long ago. Anyway. A direct path to the brain from the exterior by way of the nose was not particularly bright. What would be a minor infection elsewhere can be life-threatening in the nose.Spiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?Everything is fine, only it would be nice if everything worked like any intelegent designed thing usualy does. Every time I take a leasurly strol threw any Insane Asylem, I am hard pressed to see any intelgence involved.Spiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?The problem with this question is that no one who answers it will know the purpose God had in mind for us when he designed the body. Is the human body perfect? No. Was it meant to be? I doubt it. Your car is terrible for cooking, but it was not intended for that purpose. Your car is a good form of transportation, and that was the purpose it was intended for. I'm sure this won't make a difference to any of you and you'll all say a lot of harsh things, but please keep the idea of purpose-driven-design in your discussion.Spiritually speaking, if you had %26quot;intelligently designed%26quot; the human body, what would you change/add/remove?I would put a greater number of processes at the disposal of the individual. Things like pain, or other types of perception. It would be nice to be able to have the power to turn off pain signals in the same way I can stop breathing by holding my breath. In a similar vain, turning down the volume on the world or shutting down taste buds would also come in handy.