Scientists say when we fall in love some kind of chemicals change in the body. I suppose if they are chemicals we can counterbalance them again. Does such medicine exist?If love is a change of chemicals in body, is there a medicine to remove the effect?Yeah have, but this is not a medicine.
If the person who love keep on scolding you, irritating you, cheating you, then the love is removed.
Also hormones are the ones that controls the sexual attractions. If we consume a medicine to lower the hormones the love also get retarded. I think so. But a lot can do with spiritual also. If you are leading a spiritual life, no medicines can stop loving, no disease can rule you.If love is a change of chemicals in body, is there a medicine to remove the effect?Short answer: no.
Longer answer: It is looking increasingly likely that everything that we experience is just a series of very complex chemical interactions in our brains. However, we only understand the very tinniest fraction of all of this at the moment. Not nearly enough to be able to manipulate it in a
subtle and delicate fashion.
No one fully understands how complex behaviors such as love map onto our brain chemistry and physiology. We only have subtle clues. We might one day, but not any time soon.
In the mean time, treat your broken the old fashioned way.If love is a change of chemicals in body, is there a medicine to remove the effect?Alcohol and time.If love is a change of chemicals in body, is there a medicine to remove the effect?Yes. Hormones and pheromones can be countered by other type of hormones ad pheromones