Monday, September 19, 2011
If i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?
i have 99 friends in xbox live is everyone removed if i change my gamertagIf i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?nopeIf i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?Nobody gets removed, your name just changes. Make sure to send them a message saying you changed your gamertag.If i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?no however most friends might not realize that you've changed your gamertag so you should put something down in your bio.If i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?ok if you change it costing 800 ms points you will not lose any friends but send them a message so they know you've changed it but if you make a new account you obviously wont have any friends because its a totally different accountIf i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?no ur gammertag just changes nothing happensIf i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?You don't lose anything except 800 MS points.If i change my gamertag is everything remove or changed?no nothing is changed although unless you tell your freinds they wont have a clue who you arepimp myspace asks for advice