Friday, June 3, 2011

Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?

Surely this would be an easy way to get 25% of votes (25% of people smoke) and get the votes of all publicans?Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?I do hope so - nanny state has got it wrong again.Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?nope sorry i dont think any political party is going to risk taking away something that has a got a majority of good response.

unfortunatelyAre there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?No, none are currently proposing it. I think some smokers, including myself, prefer the ban.

I am not convinced that the smoking ban has been detrimental to pubs. Many pubs were closing down years before the ban. Perhaps other factors are at play - like cheap beer in supermarkets, imports, smuggling, or simply a gradual change in attitudes to going out and drinking.

Some publicans actually support the ban. Many have said for years there is more profit in food than there is in beer. Who wants to eat in a smokey pub?

The Health Act 2006 was one of the better pieces of legislation ever made.Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?Suggest it to UKIP. They'll promise anything for a few votes.Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?Yes, but they would alienate the other 75%.

I don't want to play devil's advocate but for your information it looks as though UKIP comes closest:Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?over a 100 thousand people die each year due to smoking, i would like to see a government do more to reduce this, lifting the smoking ban wont help. If i can't use cannabis why should others be able to use an even more deadly drug that kills themselves and other around them?, it should either be a class A drug or other drugs like cannabis and ecstasy should be legalised.Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?That ban is never going to be reversed and although I do not smoke I do have some sympathy for smokers who in some instances appear to be demonised . If a smoker visits me at my home I don't mind them lighting up , but most now prefer to sit outside on the patio so as not to interfere with non smokersAre there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?I don't think so.

Political parties are looking to get as many votes as possible, so whilst overturning the smoking ban may get them %25 of the vote, they would potentially lose 75% of the vote. Also the idea of any government is to represent the majority of people ,and do what is best for the country. Most people support the smoking ban, and it is also in the interests of public health (and our taxes through the NHS etc.) to discourage smoking by keeping it outside of public places.Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?NO when the Bill to ban smoking went through UK Parliament it was supported by Labour, Conservative, Liberal and Nationalist MPs who (rightly or wrongly) all contend it was in the best interest of public health and that is why it became an Act and then Law first in Scotland and then in England. The only place in the whole of England where the smoking ban does not apply is in the House of Commons itself. UKIP is campaigning to save the British pub but not specifically on the issue of overturning the smoking ban so much as allowing some pubs in every town to be smoking and some non smoking, so there is freedom of choice.

If you really feel strongly about this what you need to do is stand yourself. You just need to get ten sponsors and then put yourself up as a Candidate and in view of the current unpopularity of MPs of all the three main parties you could well end up being an MP. .Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?And lose 75% of the votes. Most people despise smokers.Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?I don't think there is a party in this country which would reverse or modify the ban on smoking.

As a smoker myself, I honestly have no problem with the ban and believe it or not, I do understand non-smokers complaints about this issue.

However what I do object to was the way the ban was introduced regardless of any rights to the smoker be it he has now been classified as a virus,and the ex smokers who in my opinion are the greatest moaners than the people that have never smoked.

I am not trying to seek justification for my habit, but lets have a little consideration for all concerned.

The next ban without doubt will be on the obese, who no doubt will be banned from all food stores until they comply with the weight restrictions as laid down by government..Are there any political parties that are gonna remove/change the smoking ban?You may want to ask New Labour why they renaged on their 2005 manifesto regarding the smoking ban - page 33 of the manifesto, it makes interesting reading and is a far cry from what was actually imposed after re-election.

There are 300,000 deaths from heart attacks in the UK per year - 100,000 from work related stress. Don't hear too many cries for an improvement in working conditions though - but money talks in the UK.