Friday, June 3, 2011

When is the best time to remove or change the bar of an industrial piercing?

I got my industrial piercing 3 weeks ago and my ear is no longer creating crusties or hurting besides when it is bumped. I just wanted to know if this is a good time to take out my bar or even change into another one? and if this is not a good time to do either how much longer should i wait?When is the best time to remove or change the bar of an industrial piercing?I've had mine since February and I first changed it in July so it was 5 months until I first changed mine.

but they say to wait at least 3 months for a cartilage piercing, even though it may feel ok, you might irritate something by removing the barbell so my advice is to wait about 2 more month to be on the safe side. :)When is the best time to remove or change the bar of an industrial piercing?you can probably change it now..

i have my industrial and i always changed it after i got it pierced.

ive had it for about 9 months and its perfect.

just make sure you clean it after the first few days when you put the new barbell in.
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