Friday, June 3, 2011

Remove or change country of citizenship from US Travel Document?

I am trying to get a Travel document and I wonder if it is possible to remove the place where citizenship is mentioned.Remove or change country of citizenship from US Travel Document?No, citizenship is the most basic piece of international travel. If a form from a government asks you to name your citizenship, you must. Lying about it can get you banned for life from the US.Remove or change country of citizenship from US Travel Document?I am not sure I understand the question.

Are you talking about a field on a form for the Travel Document?

If you are filling out a form, you must answer ALL questions on the form. You can't just decide to answer the questions that you want.

If you leave the field blank, you will almost certainly be rejected, and you would have wasted the cost of the filing fee. If you lie and say you are a citizen of a country when you really aren't, you've just committed fraud and there will be penalties.

The US is not going to admit you if you don't state your country of nationality. It doesn't work that way.