Monday, September 19, 2011

Have you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?

Vindictive reporter or stalker Troll that is.Have you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?yes....I have zero contacts and zero fans for a reason.Have you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?nopeHave you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST!!!!! PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR I WILL KICK YOUR @zz!!!Have you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?Yes! I've been cloned 3+ times. IT's truly annoying. That's also why I'll never use my real pic on here again.Have you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?noHave you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?i got a whole new computer. i didn't use the internet for two years. and i've changed my settings...

be warned - myspace can be dangerous.Have you ever had to change all your settings and remove contacts because of a Troll?Many times*